We are NOT activists ...

Chelsy Hernandez - Director
The goal of The WOW is to provide quality programs and support to individuals with developmental disabilities for them to lead meaningful and productive lives, explore their potential, develop a sense of community, and pursue independence and jobs if able. To accomplish this goal, The WOW focuses on improving the individuals’ adaptive skills that are required to live independently, work, and play in the community. These include communications, self-care, home living, social skills, health and safety, self-direction, functional academics, employment, and leisure.
The WOW’s map to achieve its vision is offering support, guidance, and encouragement to adults with developmental disabilities regarding their personal choices, abilities, growth, and independence. The WOW offers the following work and education programs: Life and Work Skills, Technology Lab, Art, Sports and Fitness, Music Therapy, Cooking Skills, Community Based Education, Supported Employment, Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Social Services, and Special Olympics.
The WOW will never see your disability as a problem. The WOW recognizes that your disability is an attribute.
The WOW will never see your disability as a defect. The WOW will never see you as deviant and helpless.
The WOW will never try to fix you because you are not broken. The WOW will support you because you can make contributions to the community in your way.
The WOW will never see you as another consumer; you are a fellow citizen. The WOW sees you as a neighbor because none of us can be self-sufficient.
The WOW will never try to change you; no one has that right. The WOW will help you learn what you want to know.
The WOW will never try to control you. The WOW will never call non-compliance or manipulation what may be the only way you can exert some control over your life.
The WOW will never teach you to be obedient, submissive, and polite. The WOW will empower you to feel entitled to say No if you are to protect your rights.
The WOW will never be charitable towards you. The WOW will be your ally against those who exploit you for their own gratification.
The WOW will never try to be your friend; you deserve more than that. The WOW will get to know you; then we may become friends.
The WOW does NOT help you, even if it does make it feel good. The WOW will ask you if you need help. The WOW will let you show the best way to assist you.
The WOW will never admire you; a desire to live a full life does not warrant adoration. The WOW respects you, and respect presumes equity.
Dignity and Worth
We treat each person in a caring and respectful fashion, mindful of individual differences and cultural and ethnic diversity. The WOW understands the individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities all have their own interests, preferences, and goals; they also have a valuable perspective to offer the world. We promote consumers’ socially responsible self-determination and seek to enhance their capacity and opportunity to address their own needs.
The WOW values ethical and transparent behavior. We believes in honest and open communication that fosters trust and ensures we are accountable to each other and the people we support.
Our primary goal is to help individuals with disabilities. The WOW’s staff draws on their knowledge, values, and skills that elevate service to others above self-interest.
We continually strives to increase its staff’s professional knowledge and skills and to apply them in the provision of services to the consumers. The WOW’s staff is expected and encouraged to conduct personal study and research, to attend webinars and conferences, and to pursue additional certification or degrees.
Social Justice
At The WOW, we pursue social change, particularly with and on behalf of individuals with disabilities and their families. The WOW’s social change efforts are focused primarily on issues of disparity, abuse, segregation, isolation, unemployment, discrimination, and other forms of social injustice against individuals with developmental disabilities. These activities seek to promote sensitivity to and knowledge about uniqueness and diversity.